Sunday, July 23, 2006

Senator Hillary Clinton has recently stepped up her campaign against what she calls "violent" and "explicit" video games, calling for higher taxes and regulation against video games and their manufactuers/programmers. This is just one part of the left's continuing war against personal responsibility and quite frankly it's beginning to piss me off. Whatever happened to being a parent and controlling what you kids buy, play and listen to? It's fucking crazy how the damn left wants the government to be their kids babysitter and do it for them. Whatever happened to personal responsibility. Why the fuck can't the left just say NO! when little 9 year old Suzie comes up wanting to play San Andreas. It's getting out of control.
Now on to taxation of video games? What the fuck? On top of the state and local sales tax and electronic media taxes, there's going to be yet another tax? There is no call for this and the only reason Clinton and Liberman are pushing for it is because they want to attempt to push the industry to hell and bankruptcy, which brings me to my next point.
Clinton claims she is against "excessive" violence in video games and "sexual themes." Since when does the government get to decide what we should and shouldn't play? That's FACISM! The act of the government deciding what we should and shouldn't be exposed to and limiting the expression there of are traits of communism/dictorialism, but then again, the left gets happier and happier with the more and more control the government gets and would be happy as hell if we fell into one of the above.
How retarded do you have to be to claim that video games cause violence and crime? How much a half-wit are you to not be able to tell a video game from reality. I personally play alot of shooters and military strategy and I not once felt the need to reinact what I have played nor have I ever even begun to think that murder/killing is okay. Anyone who particpates/thinks any of that is mentally sick, but like Michael Savage said "liberalism is a mental disorder." In that case it is the player's, not the game's fault.


At 1:34 PM, Blogger ApplesauceNinja said...

Right on, man. I've been screaming about this very thing for a long while now. Clinton and schlubs like Jack Thompson have their heads buried so far up their asses it's ridiculous. But, you have to understand that the left believes
us all to be first and foremost ignorant pigs in need of their liberal enlightenment. Obviously, we can't be trusted to make informed decisions for ourselves, so they feel it is up to them to make them for us. Screw Shrillary
and her hillbilly husband. I find it amusing that Hillary is taking this course of action under the auspices of concern for the family, when she supports abortion on demand and gay marriage. Lovely.
Leftists are nothing if not hypocritical and self contradicting


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