Friday, June 09, 2006

At the news of Zarqawi's death, the far-left liberals began to show their true colors. They WANT America to fail in Iraq. Any bad news in Iraq is good news for them because it just gives them another excuse to bash Bush and show Republicans in general to be evil and when good news like this comes out, they TRY to find the evil and the bad in it. Here are some quotes to prove it:

"We never should have gone in from day one. Now — and I understand tens of thousands of people have been killed because we chose to go into Iraq. That is true. We killed a hell of a lot more people just by the decision to go into Iraq than ever died at the hands of Zarqawi." -Jerry Springer on Air America

"Even the White House press secretary says this today at the press briefing. He says if you look at some of the Al Qaeda memos to Zarqawi, where you had direct pleas -- will you please stop beheading people, it's bad PR. Then you have to say to yourself, my god, Al Qaeda is telling Zarqawi to cut the crap with the killing of the Iraqis. And yet, we haven't cut the crap with the killing of the Iraqis." -Randi Rhodes on Air America

What the hell?! We get some good news from Iraq and the lefty loonies want to turn it into something it's not or claim we should have not done this from day one. Think about it. We have captured or killed 2 men (Saddam and Zarqawi) who together are responsible indirectly or directly for MILLIONS of deaths based on hatred of a set of people, races and cultures and the lefties go on a rampage both times about how we didn't even need to be there instead viewing this as a possible turning point in Iraq and the war on terror. The far-lefties WANT us to lose in Iraq and in the war on terror in general. They view us as the great evil and the Terrorist as freedom fighters and any harm done to us by the terrorists is harm we deserve! They continue to sympothize with the Terrorist cause because their attacks make Bush look bad any news that makes Bush look bad is good news, even if it comes at the expense of the their own country.

I have said it a hundred times and I'll say it again, the death of America will not come from terrorists or an invasion, it will come from a group of it's own people who will sufficate it with a bubble of their own insanity and ignorance boxed up with a mirage of pretty wrapping paper called tolerance and a bow on top of political correctness. That group is the liberals.


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