Wednesday, June 21, 2006

WMDs Found in Iraq, Main Stream Media turns a blind eye,2933,200499,00.html
Today it was announced that in fact WMDs WERE in Iraq and Saddam WAS in violation of UN treaties. Where is the MSM swarming over this? No where. MSM, once again turning a blind eye to the fact that Bush was right. Oh but when WMDs hadn't been discovered yet, the Main Stream Media wanted to play it up that Bush had screwed up. It's disgusting. Oh and the liberals reaction? The ones that had the balls to talk about it were quick to say that the Sarin and Mustard gas discovered "wasn't a threat." What the fuck? Liberals completely missed the fucking point as usual, or just ignored it. Or maybe both.

The point is that Bush WAS right. There WERE Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam WAS lying and Iraq WAS in violation of UN resolutions prohibiting the possesion of WMDs and calling for the destruction of all WMDs. Saddam in fact did NOT comply and so the invasion WAS just.


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