Wednesday, June 28, 2006

You've got crap: AOL is exposed

America Online is famous for the expression but recently they've become famous for something else: customer service. And not in a good way. A man named Vincent Ferrari recently recorded his attempt at cancelling his AOL account and it exposed what many of us ex-AOL users already know: AOL's customer service is annoying, slow and full of crap. Here's the recording:

It took him 15 minutes just to talk to a real person, then he was bullshited, ran around, and delayed for 5 before they finally got the message that hey maybe this dude wants to cancel his account. "John" from AOL even had the nerve to say "if you want me to cancel this account you're going to listen to me." What ever happened to customer service? AOL used to be king of the internet, now they have to resort to low tatics to retain customers and stay in business.

AOL's downfall has already started. They continue to charge outrageous prices for outdated dial-up, (around 26 dollars) the same price that many high-speed internet companies charge for DSL or Cable. I personally have Cable internet at 9/MB a second for 19.95 a month and if I couldn't afford that I would go with 9.95 dial-up providers like Netzero, Juno, PeoplePC, and others but I sure as hell would never pay 26 dollars to get prehistoric dial-up. Second their pushy tatics and forced software installs aren't helping anything either. Their software comes bundled with many programs such as AIM and others and to the average computer user is almost impossible to get off. Third their service and tatics borders on malware/spyware. If your a full member or just have their e-mail service you are constantly bombarded with adverts and e-mails about their premiums services like call waiting. Such e-mails get annoying. Why should you give money to a company that gives you spam in return

And AOL wonders why it loses hundereds of customers a day. Not to mention those damn CDs that come with almost anything electronic.

In an official apology to Vincent by AOL, a represenative called this an "isolated incidented." If it's so isolated then why is the internet abuzz with horror AOL cancellation stories. I personally was an AOL customer for 2 years (2003-2005) when I went to cancel my account I got the same run around. They made it sound like I would die without AOL. They kept offering more and more free hours...but they missed the point I was trying to make. I finally got them to terminate my account by threatening a lawsuit. I've heard worse like people having to cancel their credit cards in order to get AOL to stop billing them

AOL, you really want to make a change? How about charging a fair price for dial-up, listening to the customer, and stop your aggressive marketing policies. Only then will you get new members and retain current ones. But if you continue with your bullshit you will only see more member leave and even less new members.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

WMDs Found in Iraq, Main Stream Media turns a blind eye,2933,200499,00.html
Today it was announced that in fact WMDs WERE in Iraq and Saddam WAS in violation of UN treaties. Where is the MSM swarming over this? No where. MSM, once again turning a blind eye to the fact that Bush was right. Oh but when WMDs hadn't been discovered yet, the Main Stream Media wanted to play it up that Bush had screwed up. It's disgusting. Oh and the liberals reaction? The ones that had the balls to talk about it were quick to say that the Sarin and Mustard gas discovered "wasn't a threat." What the fuck? Liberals completely missed the fucking point as usual, or just ignored it. Or maybe both.

The point is that Bush WAS right. There WERE Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam WAS lying and Iraq WAS in violation of UN resolutions prohibiting the possesion of WMDs and calling for the destruction of all WMDs. Saddam in fact did NOT comply and so the invasion WAS just.

Friday, June 09, 2006

350,000 Illegal immigrants enter this country every year. By 2050, our national population is expected to be well over 420 million people does congress get this? An additional 100 MILLION people will be in this country in only 44 years! A 33% population jump in only 44 years time and nearly 25% of that increase will be due to illegal immigration. Illegal immigration weighs down public works, costs taxpayers extra money, and jars the legal immigration system to a halt. A study in 1996 stated that illegal immigration costed the United States nearly 40 billion dollars every year. The number, according to experts has likely tripled due to inflation and increases in illegal immigration numbers every year. Also, illegal immigrants are a threat to our national security. If 350,000 aliens come over the border undetected every year, why couldn't a cell of terrorists be among those that make it across undetected?

With the invasion also comes drugs and other illegal contraband. For many years, the constant stream of illegals has also been a pipeline for illegal and/or controlled drugs. An estimate 30 TONS of illegal drugs come over the border with illegals every year. How are we suppose to win the war on drugs on our own soil if we allow drugs to continually be pumped onto our streets. The invasion lowers our standards of work, costs legal citizens billions every year, weighs down our public works and is a very threat to the stability of our nation and yet the lefties see nothing wrong with letting our border and immigration system stay like it is and politicians are doing nothing to even start to alleviate the epidemic. The insanity must stop if we are to regain control of our borders and our country.

Why are so afraid to enforce our law and rights as given to us by the UN Charter? Why do we cater to the invasion with amnesty and citizenship? Would you give a convicted murderer a firearm? Not if you have any kind of a sound mind! So why do you give these CRIMINALS what they want? It makes no sense! If we continue down this road of appeasement then we will be over run by the invasion at the south border and our laws will become a joke. We must stop the insanity now, say no more, and give the criminals what they have coming to them: deportation.

In Ann Coulter's book Godless: the church of liberalism, she says "these broads are millionaires lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities... I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much." Such statements are idiotic and uncalled for. While it can be said that they are exploiting the publicity that they are getting to push their agenda, I don't think that someone, unless they were seriously mentally ill, could ENJOY the death of someone close to them. While I get what she was going for, I do somewhat agree with it, she chose a bad set of words to express it in. This whole thing would blow over if she would admit to her mistake and tell us what she really meant but instead she continues to defend what she said and show that she is not woman enough to admit when she is wrong and this continued idiotcy will only lead to her undoing.

At the news of Zarqawi's death, the far-left liberals began to show their true colors. They WANT America to fail in Iraq. Any bad news in Iraq is good news for them because it just gives them another excuse to bash Bush and show Republicans in general to be evil and when good news like this comes out, they TRY to find the evil and the bad in it. Here are some quotes to prove it:

"We never should have gone in from day one. Now — and I understand tens of thousands of people have been killed because we chose to go into Iraq. That is true. We killed a hell of a lot more people just by the decision to go into Iraq than ever died at the hands of Zarqawi." -Jerry Springer on Air America

"Even the White House press secretary says this today at the press briefing. He says if you look at some of the Al Qaeda memos to Zarqawi, where you had direct pleas -- will you please stop beheading people, it's bad PR. Then you have to say to yourself, my god, Al Qaeda is telling Zarqawi to cut the crap with the killing of the Iraqis. And yet, we haven't cut the crap with the killing of the Iraqis." -Randi Rhodes on Air America

What the hell?! We get some good news from Iraq and the lefty loonies want to turn it into something it's not or claim we should have not done this from day one. Think about it. We have captured or killed 2 men (Saddam and Zarqawi) who together are responsible indirectly or directly for MILLIONS of deaths based on hatred of a set of people, races and cultures and the lefties go on a rampage both times about how we didn't even need to be there instead viewing this as a possible turning point in Iraq and the war on terror. The far-lefties WANT us to lose in Iraq and in the war on terror in general. They view us as the great evil and the Terrorist as freedom fighters and any harm done to us by the terrorists is harm we deserve! They continue to sympothize with the Terrorist cause because their attacks make Bush look bad any news that makes Bush look bad is good news, even if it comes at the expense of the their own country.

I have said it a hundred times and I'll say it again, the death of America will not come from terrorists or an invasion, it will come from a group of it's own people who will sufficate it with a bubble of their own insanity and ignorance boxed up with a mirage of pretty wrapping paper called tolerance and a bow on top of political correctness. That group is the liberals.